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White Papers

Consider this a web-presence for the golden rule. I've learned many things during my career, and these are things worth sharing.


Host Interview Worksheet

The next time you have to conduct an interview on-stage in front of any audience, consider using this worksheet as a framework for ensuring the best result possible. Interviewing a guest on stage is actually more science then art, and this worksheet gives you an easy equation to guarantee success.

Panel Interview Worksheet

Often overlooked by over-eager hosts, the benefit of any on-stage panel discussion is to create discussion between panelists - with the target of obtaining different points of view on the same subjects. This worksheet will help any host build a conversation that will encourage discussion on variations of a theme.

Q&A Methods for Events

The time allotted to Q&A at an event often adds the most value for attendees. Event planners often chose the method based on sheer cost or gut reaction - but make sure you know all the options and how they might affect the result of the event. This whitepaper covers the basics of each method, the pace of questioning, potential costs and required personnel for successful execution. Consult it each time your client starts a conference call regarding content and event timing.


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